Thanks to Dr. David Orr for sharing his insights on direction of Medtech and Biotech Tuesday at Brewery 85. He was gracious to share a sample of recent news articles on the topic to get your creative juices going. Stay tuned to future MESHSC talks and meetups that are focused on this continually evolving field.
How Your Gut Affects Your Bones(Scientific American)
Cancer Took His Wife. Now He’s CEO Of One Of The Most Audacious Cancer Startups In Years (Forbes)
Automated empathy allows doctors to check on patients daily (CNN)
Novartis signs Aetna, Cigna for pay-for-performance drug deal (MobiHealth News)
New Ways Into the Brain’s ‘Music Room’(NY Times)
Halo claims to make you jump higher, think faster, remember longer (Newsweek)
We Have the Technology to Destroy All Zika Mosquitoes (MIT Tech Review)
Software Measures Heartbeats in Video Recordings (MedGadget)
The Digitalization of Prosthetics Is Transforming How Wounded Service Members and Veterans Recover (Singularity Hub)
Give Up Your Data to Cure Disease (NY Times)
The Mycobiome (The Scientist)
World’s First Wireless, Continuous, Fully Disposable Pulse Oximeter (MDTMag)
The chips are down for Moore’s law(Nature)
Miniature Microsocope will ID Cancer Cells in Real Time (MNT)
A Gadget for Spotting Fake Viagra, and Other Counterfeit Pills (MIT Tech Review)
Mattel acquires baby health wearable maker Sproutling (MobiHealth News)