Author Archives: admin

Weekly Challenge March 31, 2014: Col. Milford Beagle, US Army

BeerandNapkins_Weekly Challenge_MilfordOur weekly Beer & Napkins Challenge comes from our friend Colonel Milford “Beags” Beagle author of The Rock The Rock: Motivational Leadership: A Leader’s Perspective On Inspiring Others While Finding the Motivator in You

“Motivation Drives Accomplishment; Inspiration Drives Achievement.”

Challenge: What motivates you versus what inspires you?


Colonel Beagle is a distinguished military graduate of South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, S.C. where he earned a BS in Criminal Justice. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Adult Education from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas and a Master of Science in Advanced Military Studies from the United States Army Command and General Staff College (SAMS), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.




Beer and Napkins Leadership Take On Brewery 85

Leadership team brewing up actions!

Leadership team brewing up actions!

This past Thursday a group of the Beer and Napkins Leadership Team met up at Brewer85  for a little planning session. We loved their Quitting Time but our team didn’t quit. One of our topics of agenda is building our network of Communities of Growths.

We are excited to be partnering with our local Makers group and technology professionals. We will keep you posted on our next event coming soon. 

More than just Beer

Our team is hard at work and play in designing future experiences for Beer and Napkins

Beer and Napkins Board of Advisors hammering out the design experience

Beer and Napkins Board of Advisors hammering out the design experience

Look for a future event soon!