Category Archives: Doodling

Weekly Challenge April 14, 2014, Jeremy Boeh, Wofford College

BN_Challenge_Jeremy_2Our Weekly Beer & Napkins Challenge comes from our friend Jeremy Boeh: 

Quote: “Sometimes Questions are more important than answers” -Nancy Willard
Challenge: For 24 Hrs start each conversation with a QUESTION. 

Jeremy Boeh directs the Launch program in The Space at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Launch focuses on cultivating entrepreneurship among college students by providing the resources, networking and education to take them through idea generation to the profitable execution of their business.

Jeremy spent six years in the Army Infantry with two deployments to Iraq and is currently a Second Lieutenant in the US Army Reserve. He continues to advocate for veterans through entrepreneurship and currently serves as a mentor for The Jonas Project, which provides financial assistance and support for those veterans who return home with a new vision for their lives: becoming an entrepreneur.

He is a graduate of Wofford College. Jeremy also serves as guest facilitator and curriculum contributor to Noble Impact. Noble Impact is a non-profit organization committed to engaging k-12 students through the intersection of public service and entrepreneurship based out of Little Rock Arkansas and also responsible for putting on the first ever High School StartUp Weekend.

He and his wife, Kristen, have two daughters Kylie and Piper and reside in Boiling Springs, South Carolina.

Twitter: Jeremy_bay

Weekly Challenge March 31, 2014: Col. Milford Beagle, US Army

BeerandNapkins_Weekly Challenge_MilfordOur weekly Beer & Napkins Challenge comes from our friend Colonel Milford “Beags” Beagle author of The Rock The Rock: Motivational Leadership: A Leader’s Perspective On Inspiring Others While Finding the Motivator in You

“Motivation Drives Accomplishment; Inspiration Drives Achievement.”

Challenge: What motivates you versus what inspires you?


Colonel Beagle is a distinguished military graduate of South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, S.C. where he earned a BS in Criminal Justice. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Adult Education from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas and a Master of Science in Advanced Military Studies from the United States Army Command and General Staff College (SAMS), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.