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Weekly Challenge March 31, 2014: Col. Milford Beagle, US Army

BeerandNapkins_Weekly Challenge_MilfordOur weekly Beer & Napkins Challenge comes from our friend Colonel Milford “Beags” Beagle author of The Rock The Rock: Motivational Leadership: A Leader’s Perspective On Inspiring Others While Finding the Motivator in You

“Motivation Drives Accomplishment; Inspiration Drives Achievement.”

Challenge: What motivates you versus what inspires you?


Colonel Beagle is a distinguished military graduate of South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, S.C. where he earned a BS in Criminal Justice. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Adult Education from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas and a Master of Science in Advanced Military Studies from the United States Army Command and General Staff College (SAMS), Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.