Category Archives: MESHSC

MESHSC: Cultivating Biotech Talent in South Carolina

Is South Carolina prepared for Biotech?

With the advent of exponential technologies, the Life Science and Biotech industry continues to drive forward with ever increasing speed. Is South Carolina’s workforce ready?

We will continue our MESH-SC conversation about biotech with Julian Nixon, Professor of Anatomy & Physiology and Department Head of Biological Sciences at Greenville Technical College  Julian will share an educational perspective of how students are being prepared for biotech careers. We will also tour Greenville Technical Colleges state of the art biotech lab.

Christian Graves, President of the Carolina Biotech Group will share an industry update and key developments in life science and biotech in South Carolina. He will also provide an industry perspective of what we need to do to prepare the SC workforce for careers of biotech.

Y2MAKE: Creating our Future Through Advanced Manufacturing


Y Manufacturing?

We are in the midst of a manufacturing renaissance, especially in the Southeast. The Upstate has a seasoned workforce, however with the increase of new technologies and approaches to manufacturing including additive and robotics, the requisite skills needed in science and engineering have also increased. How do improve this knowledge gap? How do we get more interested in manufacturing especially the Y and Z generations? How do we tap into the large number of engineers in SC to help?

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