Weekly Challenge: Despina Yeargin- Live In Your Dreams: A Few Simple Steps

Got dreams? Take action. Oh, but where to begin?

We’re all familiar with the quotes about taking action, but how do we move
beyond the dreaming stage of an idea to the action stage? How do we get that
seed to geminate; how do we transform that dream to a living thing in which we
live, so that (technically speaking) we are living in our dream?

  1. Review the idea and turn it into a story—your story.
  2. Learn the story. Dream it in your bed at night.
  3. Wake up and write your story—pen to paper. No typing on a computer.
    Hold that pen in your hand and move it on the paper. Give it life!
  4. Read your story. Read it. Read it out loud and rejoice in it!
  5. Smile. You are halfway there.
  6. Look around you. Reach out to a few trusted friends. Tell them your story
    and ask them to join you; to help and support you.
  7. Smile. You are very lucky to have such friends. Give them a hug.
  8. Write down the first 10 steps that you need to take. Make them simple and
    make them real. Make them affordable. Make them sustainable.
  9. Put one foot in front of the other. Take that first step. Woo-HOOO!
  10. Smile. You are there. You have entered your dream. Really!
  11. Don’t stop walking.


Way too simple, right? Yes. Exactly! Keep it simple and you will begin—you will take that first step and you will make things happen. Keep a child-like desire TO DO, instead of the learned habit of waiting for everything to be perfect before you begin. The people who don’t wait for that perfection are too busy making things happen. Join them. I will, too.

Despina Yeargin

Despina develops and maintains social media profiles for individuals and the heroes of small business. She also coach them on how to manage their social media presence and put their best foot forward.

Despina writes. She particularly enjoys the challenge of writing for others. I write copy for websites, marketing materials, and you-name-it. I also offer ghost-writing and editing services, as long as we can spend time and get to know each other, so I can represent you and your work appropriately.

2014, Despina Panagakos Yeargin, a.k.a. @DespiDoodle Find me at: http://despidoodle.tumblr.com/



Jeremy Boeh shares a preview of his storytelling talk.

Crafting the Story of You: Building your Personal Brand Through Storytelling

Do you have a story to tell?  Join us for an interactive session of craft beer and learning with Jeremy Boeh.  Jeremy will share his story and engage us in a fun-filled exploration into building your personal brand through storytelling Tuesday, October 28, 2014  6: 00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT) at The Community Tap 

To reserve your spot please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crafting-the-story-of-you-building-your-personal-brand-through-storytelling-tickets-13838722993

Jeremy Boeh directs the Launch program at The Space in the Mungo Center at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Launch focuses on cultivating entrepreneurship among college students by providing the resources, networking and education to take them through idea generation to the profitable execution of their business.

He dedicates time as an Advisor and Consultant to Happy Joe Inc. Which aims to provided training and education on web design and we development to veterans.

Jeremy also serves as guest facilitator and curriculum contributor to Noble Impact. Noble Impact is committed to engaging K-12 students through the intersection of public service and entrepreneurship based out of Little Rock Arkansas.

An advocate for entrepreneurial growth in the Upstate, Jeremy was a member of the team to bring the first Start Up Weekend to the area. Held in Spartanburg in the Spring of 2014. He is passionate about connecting paths and sharing the stories about the innovators, dreams and entrepreneurs of the Upstate.

He is an Iraqi War veteran, an Army Officer and a graduate of Wofford College.He and his wife, Kristen, have two daughters Kylie and Piper and reside in Boiling Springs, South Carolina.

 Twitter: @jeremy_bay

Blog: https://tackk.com/board/@jeremybay

 Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyboeh


Hope to see you there!

Phillip McCreight, Founder

Beer and Napkins

Weekly Challenge 10/13/14: Paul Hebert, Why do we fail?


Quote:  “Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”-  Alfred Pennyworth

Challenge: Everyone is going to fail sometime at something, the key is getting back into the saddle and continue to ride on!  How do we we gain this resilience? First make connections, just as Bruce Wayne had Alfred Pennyworth in the Batman mythos, we need individuals and groups who can listen and give us those small words that hold us up and keep us going when the times get tough!  You maybe already tough, but if you need a helping hand connect with a group or motivated individuals to help you build your dreams.

Napkin Doodle and Quote inspiration from Beer and Napkin Board of Advisor Paul Hebert

Paul is widely considered an expert on motivation and incentives and has been interviewed by the BBC, quoted in USATODAY, published in Loyalty360 magazine, published whitepapers and articles for HRM Magazine, is a contributing author on the Fistful of Talent blog, founding member of the editorial advisory team at HRExaminer.com, writes at his own company’s blog and is the Social Media Editor for the Enterprise Engagement Alliance.

Paul’s Digital Footprint: