Mauldin: An Emerging Community

For the past year it has been a pleasure for us to learn more about the city of Mauldin. Given that Mauldin has never had an actual main street or “downtown” area, it has an extraordinary 61% population growth since 2000! One of the challenges is how can Mauldin provide the growing residents and visitors a thriving environment of culture, business, and activities.
One of the things we’ve learned is George Patrick, Administrator, Office of Cultural Affairs has been diligently working to promote provide artistic and cultural activities to continually develop a more energetic community. As we spoke with George, it was evident that all the avenues were explored including bench-marking other municipalities and their growth plans. You can read more about Mauldin’s Downtown Master Plan here: Master Plan.  However, he wanted an additional component, a grassroots community driven ideas for input into their strategic plans.


Beer and Napkins provided the platform where both residents and visitors delivered their input at the July 21st and August 5th idea events.  George shared with the group about the underdeveloped spaces behind Chicora Alley and the Cultural Center ripe for ideas. He also shared with the group about plans for connecting with the Swamp Rabbit.

Many ideas ranging from open air cafes, interactive art displays, to pubs, breweries, and high end shopping were mentioned. Additionally, the #MauldinEdge was born representing both the spirit of progress of Mauldin and where the hub sits on the edge of the crossroads formed by 107 [East Butler Road] intersecting with 276 & the railroad.

You can review, add, and vote on these ideas here:

Through these community idea generation events two key themes emerged: a center hub where guests can interact with each other and art and a walkable, connected city.

At our September 1st Event we will developing short-term and long-term recommendations to support these two key themes.  Join us at the Turtle Shell, September 1st at 6:30pm for a fun and engaging community event! RSVP Meetup Here: #MauldinEdge: The Final Session

George, Tony, and I look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

Phil McCreight, Founder Beer and Napkins

#MauldinEdge : The Final Session


Date: September 1st, 6:30 pm  Location: The Turtle Shell 

RSVP here:  #MauldinEdge Meetup 

We have explored a number of ideas in our last few sessions and we are on our way to establishing a number of vitalizing game plans!

At our last event at the Turtle Shell, we will be narrowing down the collective input into from our last session into 2-3 “Themes / Goals” for the community (e.g. “walkability”, “local flavor”, etc) and establish 1-3 short term and long term recommendations for each of them.

Even though you may have not attended the earlier sessions your input is still desired!

We are continuing to collect ideas so please vote, add to our#MauldinEdge idea stream!

Appetizers will be served. Food and drinks available for purchase.

For questions please contact [email protected]m or [email protected]

CAKE&WHISKEY: A #WomenLeadGVL idea mixer

Wednesday, August 12th 6:30 pm  at Human Technologies, Inc. 105 North Spring Street
Greenville, SC 29601

As part of our #WomenLeadGVL initiative we will be having a dynamic collaboration withCake and Whiskey Greenville Group!  Ashley Clark and Veera Gaul will be sharing their entrepreneurial story and how they started Cake in Whiskey in Greenville!  And yes cake and whiskey will be served! Heavy hors d’oeuvres and craft beer will also by available.

Ashley Clark is a 2012 graduate of Clemson University and the co-owner/operator of Kilwins Chocolates, Fudge & Ice Cream in downtown Greenville, SC. In addition to running the business, Ashley is very active in the community. She serves as the Co-Chair of Downtown Greenville Holiday Happening, volunteers as a Girls on the Run SoleMate, is an Area Organizer for CAKE&WHISKEY. She is also an Associate Commissioner with Greenville Count Soil & Water Conservation District and is the Area Chairman for Ducks Unlimited. Ashley is married to Landon Clark, who is Manager of Production at the store. Together, they enjoy volunteering at The White Horse Academy, a residential treatment center for boys age 13 to 17. There they coordinate special events, care for the organic garden, and teach a weekly class on personal finance. When she isn’t working or volunteering, Ashley enjoys spending time with her two black Labrador Retrievers, Dex and Mac.

Veera Gaul is a trained chef whose passion for food led her into the hospitality business and further into higher education at Johnson & Wales University — known for its culinary and hospitality programs. She began at JWU as a graduate student and went on to be a faculty member, assistant dean, vice president of operations for the Providence campus and Provost overseeing all academic programs and faculty. Veera is a “people-person” who had responsibility for an $87M instructional budget and over 500 full time faculty over four campuses across 6 colleges and schools.

She left JWU in March of 2013 and decided to join her husband Joe Gaul, in his entrepreneurial venture. Together, they own Oil & Vinegar a “culinary gift shop” concept in Downtown Greenville that brings together specialty olive oils, vinegars and a wide range of international foods and ceramics in a Mediterranean-style store.

She co-chairs Downtown Greenville Holiday Happening, is the Area organizer for CAKE&WHISKEY, and volunteers with Loaves & Fishes.

Our board members Pam Wood Browne and Veronica Schoell will also be sharing our crowdsourced ideas for engaging Women in Leadership and Entrepreneurship

This event is a celebration of Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs but open to all guests.

Thanks to our Sponsors Human Technologies, Inc., Six and Twenty Distillery, and Birds Fly South Ale Project

Parking is availabe near HTI for $5 or the Riverstreet Parking Garage

For more information contact Phil McCreight or Tony Miller 

MauldinEdge: Round II – A Community Based Idea Session Moving the Mauldin Crossroads Forward

Wednesday, August 5th, 6:30pm – 9:30pm The Turtle Shell Grill & Bar
306 N Main St, Mauldin, SC

Sign up here

Beer and Napkins will be stimulating creativity in Mauldin, South Carolina! DiMauldin-Round-IIverse group of Thinkers and Doers Wanted!

We had a great event on Tuesday July 21st. Attendees brainstormed ideas around two challenges.

• What should we see when we walk (or bike) around Mauldin in 5, 10 or 25 years?”

• What kinds of businesses do you want to see in Mauldin?

We collected many ideas and want to continue to dive deeper on potential projects.  Please join us at the Turtle Shell  in Mauldin

Meetup is free.  Food and Beverages will be available for purchase.

Please feel free to add additional ideas on our crowd sourced ImagineThat site:

We will be using the hashtag #MauldinEdge

For more information contact Phil McCreight or Tony Miller