Tag Archives: Innovation

Y2MAKE: Creating our Future Through Advanced Manufacturing


Y Manufacturing?

We are in the midst of a manufacturing renaissance, especially in the Southeast. The Upstate has a seasoned workforce, however with the increase of new technologies and approaches to manufacturing including additive and robotics, the requisite skills needed in science and engineering have also increased. How do improve this knowledge gap? How do we get more interested in manufacturing especially the Y and Z generations? How do we tap into the large number of engineers in SC to help?

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MESHSC: News Impacting the Future of Health & Medicine

ThankMESHSCcommunitys to Dr. David Orr for sharing his insights on direction of Medtech and Biotech Tuesday at Brewery 85.  He was gracious to share a sample of recent news articles on the topic to get your creative juices going. Stay tuned to future MESHSC talks and meetups that are focused on this continually evolving field.

How Your Gut Affects Your Bones(Scientific American)

Cancer Took His Wife. Now He’s CEO Of One Of The Most Audacious Cancer Startups In Years (Forbes)

Automated empathy allows doctors to check on patients daily (CNN)

Novartis signs Aetna, Cigna for pay-for-performance drug deal (MobiHealth News)

New Ways Into the Brain’s ‘Music Room’(NY Times)

Halo claims to make you jump higher, think faster, remember longer (Newsweek)

We Have the Technology to Destroy All Zika Mosquitoes (MIT Tech Review)

Software Measures Heartbeats in Video Recordings (MedGadget)

The Digitalization of Prosthetics Is Transforming How Wounded Service Members and Veterans Recover (Singularity Hub)

Give Up Your Data to Cure Disease (NY Times)

The Mycobiome (The Scientist)

World’s First Wireless, Continuous, Fully Disposable Pulse Oximeter (MDTMag)

The chips are down for Moore’s law(Nature)

Miniature Microsocope will ID Cancer Cells in Real Time (MNT)

A Gadget for Spotting Fake Viagra, and Other Counterfeit Pills (MIT Tech Review)

Mattel acquires baby health wearable maker Sproutling (MobiHealth News)

NewFarm: Exploring the World of AgroInnovation

New-Farm-2016-Eventbrite-LogoWe’ve come a long way in the farming process. With a mix of new technology, innovative thinking, and a collaborative community the New Farm is plowing a new path in providing fresh, healthy, and local alternatives to a growing Upstate.

Beer and Napkins and Carolina Bauernhaus Ales will be hosting this AgroInnovation event at Carolina Bauernhaus Ale Brewery in Anderson on March 8, 2016 at 6:30pm 


Eventbrite - NewFarm: Exploring AgroInnovation

We will hear from Brad Thomas attorney at South Carolina Attorneys at Law on SC Craft Beer and entrepreneurial developments.  We will then have three presentations on the NewFarm

We will finish the event with an interactive idea session to share your thoughts on growing sustainable agriculture in the upstate.

A choice of beer flight and craft beer and food will be provided.

More about our Speakers…

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Happy Holidays from Beer and Napkins!

First we want to wish each of you a happy and relaxing holiday season!

What can we say for 2015 other than WOW! What a journey this year has been! We were very fortunate to have met and interacted with so many talented people in the Upstate. We realize there is so much going on around the area it is tough job keeping up with the changes. We hope we have enlightened you on some of the emerging topics this year. We covered a lot of ground with the explorations of craft beer, maker’s technology, environmental issues, biotech industry, and women leading in entrepreneurship and business. Our aim in 2016 is to continue focus on brewing ideas through the building of knowledge communities in informal environments. Included in our plans are expansion of collaborations, Communities of Growths (CoGs), and events with more creative experiences directed at personal and entrepreneurial growth.

We wish you a wonderful holiday season full of imagination and dreams. Please remember to stop by one of your favorite local breweries and pubs with your colleagues and friends. Share your dreams and ideas. Maybe you can doodle them on one of those trusted cocktail napkins and share with the Beer and Napkins family in 2016. We look forward to seeing you all!


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